i spent 14 of the last 36 hours catching up on the sleep that i’ve missed in the last week. translation: last night i went to bed at 7:00pm and woke up this morning at 11:00am.

but to say that it has been worth it would be quite the understatement. clayton and i left for seattle last wednesday. we spent thursday figuring out the seattle bus system, and i must say that we are route 16 experts. we found target first, and then the space needle. i thought that it was kind of endearing that clayton couldn’t pretend like the 16 dollar admission fee was worth the view from the top of the 600+ foot tower. a triumph of physics for some, but just so-so to my boyfriend. after that we walked the mere 34 blocks to pike place market. we only had to ask for directions once, which was surprising to me. in most places, i don’t mind looking like a tourist, but in seattle i am so embarrassed to be labeled as such…maybe because it just doesn’t have the same feeling as other tourist-y cities. the citizens have this attitude of ‘sure it’s nice, but it’s home. no biggie.’ so i made clayton put the map away. thursday night was bachelor party #1. the girls were generously allowed to attend after 10:30 pm, when the stripper was safe and stowed away (i kid). so lesley (the other bridesmaid), nicole, and i went. i drank an impressively dark beer for a girl.

friday clayton, lesley, matt, and i went to the locks. last year, it was my favorite part of the trip. but the salmon wasn’t jumping (yes, there was only one lonely fish). however, the real fun was had at the photo shoot in the botanical gardens. who knew that we would create an instant fab four for the remainder of the trip. we really played well together.
friday night was bachelor party #2, and this one was no girls allowed. clayton still won’t tell me what went on.

saturday and sunday were consumed with wedding activities: setting up and hosting a shower for nicole, rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, sleepover with the bridesmaids (nicole and bethany lasted about 10 minutes), getting ready for a wedding, and the grand finale: a wedding.

it is very hard to describe what a privelege it is to watch the story of two people who are so obviously made for each other unfold right in front of you. i met nicole, and then i met josh. and now there is a josh and nicole. forever. the whole weekend was filled with this overwhelming outpouring of love and support from friends and family who all see the same beautiful picture of a perfectly designed companionship. it is impossible to imagine two people who fit together and compliment each other better than nicole and josh. i was a little surprised at how emotional the whole idea made me, but i love nicole so much. i have always felt this need to protect her. but despite her adorable little frame, nicole does not need protecting. and i learned again this week something that i am constantly reminded of about my best friend — that nicole knows exactly who she is, what she believes, and what she wants. she does not need someone to protect or defend her, she needs someone to understand her. she does not need someone to carry her, she needs someone to hold her hand and let her walk on her own. she has found all of this in josh, and to see him look in her eyes and commit to being her partner for the rest of her life was a tangible definition of what marriage should mean. to be there for that moment will be one of the greatest blessings i will ever be given.

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