

I was worried to write a list of “thankful fors” because it would be too expected. But if one day I woke up in a world where too many people were saying what they were thankful for too many times, I think I’d be okay with that. So…

for a God that loves me when I fail every day,

for a husband that can roll his eyes or kiss my forehead or follow up my movie quote with the next line or leave flowers on the table–for a husband who knows exactly what I need and is never afraid to offer it,

for a Mom and Dad that gave me wings and held back the tears to smile when I used them,

for a brother who is unconditionally proud of me and defines the pursuit of being better,

for a dog who has calmed down enough to fall asleep with three guests in the house,

for lifetime friends who remain in my mind always as the soft reassurance that we are not alone or abandoned, just reinventing what “being together” means,

for recent friends that fill the spaces with heart-healing laughter and new memories,

for (unnecessary but honest) things like tv’s and and red couches and good neighbors and two cars and more than two jobs,

and for too much food made by two pairs of hands that share their shape without bickering or tension but all-too-many “ok, whatever you think’s” that ended up being DE.LISH.

I hope you have too many things to say thanks for. But that you spend just a little time today trying.

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