The Kind of Morning that Lasts All Afternoon

The Kind of Morning that Lasts All Afternoon

You’re looking at a very happy girl. It’s a bit sad how my mood can completely rely on where I end up getting my coffee in the morning. This morning it completely worked out in my favor, though, so whatev.

My sister-in-law Kathleen told me about Dancing Goats coffe bar in Decatur, Georgia, and I took her up on the suggestion. Do I need to back up? I’m getting ahead of myself. And if you’re wondering why I’m talking like a spastic psycho, it’s not the large latte. I checked this site’s stats today and the zero visits last week took the pressure to write coherently write off these relaxed shoulders. Grammar schmammer.

Clayton has taken his first big boy step into the real world. He is, right at this moment, on a day-long interview for a job in Rome, Geogria. Yesterday Clayton and I drove up to Alpharetta, Georgia, where his aunt and uncle live…in a brick castle in a neighborhood of other brick castles set on rolling hills that sream “aspire to this! aspire to this!” Cozy and friendly, it was a great house. I swore as we walked up that we WOULD take pictures on the front steps so I could daydream that it was our house once we get back to Tampa, but that was quickly forgotten when I took three steps into the foyer and was offered a glass of red wine and a tour of the fortress. (I’m planning my runaway story as we speak. I’m not above accusing Clayton of domestic violence for the promise of brick fireplaces, crown molding, and happy hour.)

After dinner, we took a driving tour of quaint little downtown Alpharetta. It might have been more enjoyable had I not been stressing about the minutes ticking off the FSU game with every stray turn we made, but I’m working on my capacity to miss football games. Hence, it was a needed exercise in relaxation. And also helped me work on my capacity to receive text updates. (Thanks, Tony!)

Dark and early, Clayton headed out towards Rome, which is about an hour and a half from Alpharetta, to beat the downtown Hotlanta traffic. Don’t worry; he pulled into the office an hour before interview time. I don’t know if that would be bonus points or cause for a restraining order. I am certain that he is knocking the socks off the doctor and staff, especially since I served as fashion consultant. I had the unexpected privilege to drop my sister-in-law off at work (she is student teaching a first grade class) and steal borrow her car. Before leaving, though, I had to check out the school’s morning assembly. On Fridays, the assembly leader reads jokes that the kids have written. This morning’s comedy hour was more like comedy five minutes, and I’m going to share the jokes with you. Keep in mind that the kids are between first and third grade.

Joke 1

Q: What food do you throw away the outside, eat the inside, then eat the outside and throw away the inside?

A: Corn on the cob! (Kathleen and I were confused, too. But who doesn’t love a delicious ear of corn on the cob?!)

Joke 2

Q: What did the left eye say to the right eye? 

A: There’s something that smells in between us!

Joke 3

Q: What did the nose say? (I think there must have been more to that question, but I can’t remember if the nose was talking to the ears or the thighs, or what, so I’m not about to go butchering the thing.)

A: I think I’m being spied on!

Is that not too stinking cute? I know, I know, teaching elementary school is not for everyone, but I had a blast the during the half hour I got to spend with the little rug rats. And then I was off to downtown Decatur to fall in love. I was just joking with Clayton yesterday that by the time he was finished with his interview I might have already made an offer on a house. But that Re/Max sign I saw a few blocks back ain’t no joke…

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