The Difference Between Suma and Magna

The Difference Between Suma and Magna

The Super Bowl was here. Celeb-Watch ’09 turned out to be a big fat bust. I didn’t see one person who was even remotely famous. I was tempted to walk around Saturday night with my hood over my head and big sunglasses on and just see if heads would turn. Maybe they’d think I was Winona Ryder (after giving up cigs and consequently gaining 40 pounds). Or if I cocked my head just so maybe I could be mistaken for Katie Holmes (is it Cruise now? Holmes-Cruise? Like she was so famous from Dawson’s Creek she needed to keep the Holmes. As if.), except that Clayton is like 9 feet taller than Tom Cruise and I’m like 9 feet shorter than Mrs. Cruise. Oh, and obviously uglier, but that could get handled with the “she’s so much prettier in the magazines” angle. That night was the only time we specifically went on the search to find someone who might have ever appeared on Late Night with Conan O’Brien. Or, to find the mother load and actually see Conan O’Brien. Unfortunately, we didn’t even see the guy that walks Conan O’Brien’s driver’s mother’s dog. That we know of. It was still kind of exciting just being in the middle of something so big and famous. I’ve seen enough black and gold for about three lifetimes, but there was definitely an energy around this weekend that Tampa doesn’t often experience. I mean, Meredith and Al were here for goodness sake. So, my grade for Tampa’s Super Bowl XLIII hosting capacities is a solid B+. It would have been an A-, but after all the curse words I’ve used to argue how completely unfair it is to use A- on one’s academic record when there is, in fact, no way to earn extra GPA points with an A+ to balance out that 0.04 deduction, I wouldn’t even dare.

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