

clayton left me home today to go watch the dolphins game. normally i would be with him, but a certain viral monster that has taken residence inside my sinuses does not seem to be moving out anytime soon. i think it sent some cousins down into my bronchioles as well. awesome. it’s been fairly miserable in the noa household for the past two days, but mr. mom stepped up and cleaned the bathroom, washed the dishes, made me dinner and breakfast and bought me moose tracks frozen yogurt. yes, that is MY husband and no, i don’t rent him out (unless the price is right, if you know what i mean).

i took enough meds and denied being sick enough on friday night to make an appearance at my boss’ engagement party. had it been a normal party, i might have decided to stay home and get better. but this was the night that my very first pair of skinny jeans made their debut. some things are just more important than your health. also, i had promised one of my coworkers that we would get together beforehand and make travis and fiona t-shirts for their engagement gifts. with all those commitments looming over my head, i just had to suck it up. now, going to work on monday is a different story. i’m anxiously waiting for a reply to my desperate “please work for me tomorrow” email. i really don’t think the clients will appreciate my hacking coughs two inches from their ears or the sudden nasal drips that come at the most inopportune times. it’s just not good business.

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